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The tombstone of Gasparre Malopera

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The Tombstone of Gasparre Malopera

The celebratory tombstone  of the Knight of Jerusalem Gasparre Malopera was dedicated by brothers Claudio and Giorgio and re-used in 1678 by the Mocchia and Malopera families united in marriage.  It belongs to the municipal, carved and engraved in marble it dates between 1547 and 1678 AD. It occupies an area of 164 x 89.5 cm and is engraved in capitale epigrafica.
In the lower section there is a shield, shaped and folded, displaying the epigraph of Gasparre Malopera and supported by two winged putti standing on two shields bearing the arms of the family.  The whole area is surmounted by a rose with five petals and the scroll bearing the inscription victor et triumphator.
On the shield we read (translation): ' To the Mocchia and Malopera families, united in marriage and in death in 1678 AD . To Gasparre Malopera, knight of Jerusalem, excellent brother. Dedicated by Claudio, Senator and Duke and Giorgio in 1547. He lived twenty-eight years.
The upper section was added in 1678 and bears a shield with the arms of the two families together, surmounted by the corona comitale (count’s coronet), so called from the word comites (counts in Latin).
On the left side, the Malopera family are distinguished by crowned lions that alternate in stripes with two stars; on the right side the Mocchia family are distinguished by bands of true blue and silver which mark the arms of the family.
As in ancient times, the tombstone is located on the floor, facing the end wall left of the Malopera Chapel at the right aisle entrance.
The antiquity and the rank of both families is evident from their presence in one of the most prestigious places of worship of the town in that period.

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